
David Alexander Kann Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA), Granada Afterglows of Short and Long Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Multimessenger Era


Simone Mastrogiovanni OCA Studying the Universe with populations of Gravitational waves sources


Marisa Brienza University of Bologna Insights into the AGN life-cycle and feedback from low frequency radio observations


Giuseppina Battaglia Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), La Laguna A Gaia-aided view of the properties of Local Group dwarf galaxies


Leonardo Testi ESO Protoplanetary (?) disks and the dawn of planets


Christophe Morisset UNAM, Mexico Using Machine learning in interstellar medium studies


Guillaume Drouart ICRAR, Curtin University, Perth Toward the first sample of radio powerful AGN in the Epoch of Reionization with the Murchison Widefield Array, a SKA-precursor
2021-10-12 Konstantin Batygin Caltech Planet Nine from Outer Space: A Status Update
2021-10-05 Michael Koenig, Bruno Albertazzi Ecole Polytechnique L’Astrophysique de Laboratoire à Haute Densité d’énergie
2021-09-28 Jana Bockova Institut de Chimie, UCA Astrophysical origins of biological homochirality
2021-09-14 Mike Rich UCLA The Blanco DECam Bulge Survey: A Panchromatic Survey and LSST Pathfinder
2021-09-07 Jacques Kluska University of Leuven Disks around evolved binaries: do they form second-generation planets?
2021-06-29 Philippe Salomé LERMA, Observatoire de Paris e-Tools for Radio-Astronomy
2021-06-22 Zeinab Khorami Cardiff University Near-infrared Photometry and Astrometry of the core of R136
2021-05-25 Guillaume Thomas IAC Tenerife, Spain Reconstructing the history of the Milky Way and probing the dark matter nature in WEAVE and LSST era
2021-05-18 Sarrvesh Sridhar MPIfR, Bonn Magnetic fields in nearby galaxies: a low-frequency radio continuum perspective
2021-05-11 Carlos Martin Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto, Portugal Varying fundamental constants, from alpha to omega
2021-05-04 Thomas Masseron IAC Tenerife, Spain Discovery of phosphorus-rich stars
2021-04-20 Kenda Knowles University of Kwazulu-Natal A MeerKAT view of galaxy clusters
2021-04-13 Marta Volonteri IAP Paris Massive black hole binaries in the cosmos
2021-04-06 Paul Mollière MPIA Heidelberg From atmospheric to formation retrievals
2021-03-23 Lorenzo Posti Université de Strasbourg Where feedback fails: clues from the dynamics of massive galaxies
2021-03-16 Olivier Minazzolli Artémis, OCA Entangled relativity
2021-03-09 Jean-Baptiste Lebouquin Université de Grenoble A new era of interferometry with GRAVITY+
2021-03-02 Raoul Canameras MPA Garching Star formation and feedback in the brightest lensed starburst galaxies at z ~ 2–4
2021-02-23 Vincent Reverdy ENS, Paris The Structural Complexity of Numerical Astrophysics Codes
2021-02-16 Gianluca Castignani University of Bologna High-redshift galaxy clusters and their galaxy population
2021-02-09 Christopher Kyba Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam An introduction to light pollution for astronomers and citizen scientists
2021-02-02 Nicolas Martinet Argelander Institut fuer Astronomie Weak Lensing with Euclid: from shape measurement to cosmology
2021-01-26 James Leftley Laboratoire Lagrange, OCA AGN at High Angular Resolution
2021-01-19 Stefano Andreon Osservatorio de Brera Gas-poor clusters: What kind of beasts are they?

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